Working with business partners or consultants that deal with various types of customers in your solution/ industry is a way to get good feedback on various environments with one contact point. 与处理您的解决方案或行业中各种类型客户的商业伙伴或顾问一起工作是获得对具有一个接触点的各种环境的有效的反馈。
So he spent a summer in residence at EA, and I was his primary contact point. 所以他在艺电公司蹲点住了一个夏天,而我是他的主要联系人。
Describes a contact point where the collision occurs. 描述碰撞发生那里的一个接触点。
So number one: remember to let the racquet fall ( at least one foot below the contact point) before swinging forward. 因此第一:记得在向前挥拍之前让网拍降下(在接触点下面至少一呎)。
The dimensions of the bearing shall be chosen taking into account both the contact stresses and the movement of the contact point due to rolling. 选择支座的尺寸时,应考虑接触应力和滚动引起的接触点的位移。
The switch is directly fixed on the trigger while the inside of the holding portion of the hand lever has a trigger rib which is relatively arranged to a contact point on the switch. 所述开关直接固定在扳机上,同时所述手柄握持部位内设有同该开关上的触点相对的触发筋。
How far are we from that contact point? 我们离那个联系点有多远?
Improvement of measuring method of contact point groove diameter for double-direction thrust angular contact ball bearing 双向推力角接触球轴承接触点沟径尺寸测量方法的改进
Study on Contact Point Communication in Crisis Public Relation 接触点传播在企业危机公关中的应用研究
Taking radiotherapy of tumor stem cells as a contact point, strategy designed by radiobiology can essentially solve this problem. 将肿瘤干细胞作为放射治疗的切入点,针对其放射生物学行为制订对策,才能从根本上解决问题。
When you reach the contact point, the knuckles on the hitting hand should be facing the target. 当你达到接触点的时候,在打击手上的指节应该正面对目标。
Abstract: The widening of gauge and the overturning of rail will effect the contact point and dynamic forces between wheel and rail. 文摘:轨距扩大和钢轨侧翻将影响到轮轨接触点位置和动力作用。
Clinical analysis of 40 cases of mucosa contact point headache 鼻腔黏膜接触点性头痛40例临床分析
At the contact point of concrete, intensify the movement of vibrator, but not so fast, otherwise coarse aggregate will submerged and separated. 在砼前后接槎处,加强振捣,但也不能过度振捣以防砼发生粗骨料下沉和分层离析。
It is the essential contact point for every visitor to Hong kong. 每位旅客不可或缺的香港最重要联络地点。
From both the positive and negative side this article proves why actual problem becomes the contact point of Chinese Marxism and the understanding of the actual problem and setting the position in applying and developing theory of marxism. 摘要从正反两方面论证实际问题为什么能成为马克思主义中国化的切入点,以及对实际问题的认识和解决在应用和发展马克思主义理论中的地位。
Context in AI-A contact point on the Web for researchers who are interested in the many roles of context in artificial intelligence. 语境中的人工智能-一种人工智能方面的接触点上的作用在许多网站为有兴趣的研究人员是谁。
In small tooth difference of inner meshed transmission, there were a few pairs of tooth faces which were apart from each other for a small gap beside the contact point generated by two meshed teeth. 在少齿差内啮合传动中,存在多对接近啮合的小间隙齿面于理论啮合点左右,轮齿受力产生的微小变形使得某些对齿面相互接触进入啮合状态。
Where applicable the service contract number and contact point for the supply of commissioning spare parts shall be listed. 若适用,应列出供应试车备件的服务合同号和接触点。
Solution A: You have to swing low ( one foot below the contact point) to high to clear the net from the baseline. 解决方案A:你必须由低往高挥拍(接触点下面一呎)清除从底线的网障碍。
The racquet should drop at least one foot below the contact point before swinging forward to meet the ball. 网拍在向前挥拍迎接来球之前,应该是在接触点下面降低至少一呎。
This article from customer contact point obtaining, the discussion enterprise the brand contact way which should pay attention in the brand spreading process. 本文从顾客接触点入手,探讨企业在品版传播过程中应该注意的品牌接触方式。
Down milling ( climb milling). As can be seen in Fig.12.3b, in down milling the cutter rotation coincides with the direction of feed at the contact point between the tool and the workpiece. 顺铣(同向铣削):如同在图12.3b中看到的那样,在顺铣时刀具与工件之间接触点上铣刀旋转与进给方向一致。
Research and Implementation of Online Monitoring Technology on Contact Point of the High-Voltage Switch Cabinet 高压开关触头温度在线检测技术的研究与实现
A novel mems shock switch with movable contact point to prolong contact time 通过可动触点延长接触时间的新型微冲击开关
The contact angle is the angle between the tangent line at the contact point and the horizontal line of the solid surface. 接触角是角之间的切线的联络点和水平线的固体表面。
The best contact point for a low volley is to the right or left side of your body ( depending on whether it's a forehand or backhand) and in front of you. 低位截击最佳击球点是在你身体的右前方或左前方(取决于你是正手截击或反手位截击)。
The ethnic presents is the best contact point in the international business activities. 礼品的民族性是国际商务活动中选择礼品的一个最好的切入口。
A Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of Contact Point of the Bonded Parts with Preformed Angle 带预弯角胶接件接点的理论分析和实验研究